I'm hoping to make some special holiday earrings in the next few weeks, it is that time of year again. A friend of mine who owns Cowgirls Cookin' always starts her recipes with "4 ounces of wine for the cook." So I try to end my creative processes with that same celebration! It doesn't work too well to be using torches, hammers and wine at the same time... There might have been a learning curve in that statement. While obvious to most, not to all...
Thanksgiving is my families favorite holiday. The simple act of being together, sharing friendship, food and libations is pretty wonderful. We are all being so mindful about staying well so that our holiday celebration can occur this year. Being with my husband, son,
daugher in law and granddog is pretty great anytime of the year.
Over Christmas Break, we are thinking about going down to Fort Meyers to spend time with Davis family. We also might go to the Everglades.
Over Thanksgiving Break, Daddy, Dash, Blaze, and I will be hiking nearly 30 miles on the Appalachian Trail over a span of three days. We will leave Saturday the 21 (one day of driving), then hike the 30 miles (three days of hiking), and leave the day before Thanksgiving to get back in time to spend Thanksgiving with the Kahn/Borzilleri family and Mommy.